Scottish Deerhound Clubs
Please click on the links for more information.
The Deerhound Club - United Kingdom The Deerhound Club (UK) was formed in 1886.
Scottish Deerhound Club of America Scottish Deerhound Club USA
Skotlanninhirvikoirakerho Ry The Scottish Deerhound Club Finland
Deerhound-Club der Schweiz Deerhound Club of Switzerland
De Deerhound Club Scottish Deerhound Club of the Netherland
Breed Association of the Irish Wolfhound and the Scottish Deerhound of France
Czech Deerhound Club Scottish Deerhound Club of Czech Republic
THE DEERHOUND CLUB OF VICTORIA Scottish Deerhound Club Australia
DWZRV Deutscher Windhundzucht- und Rennverband e.V. German Sighthound Club (incl. Scottish Deerhound - Schottischer Hirschhund)
Hhjorthundklubben Scottish Deerhound Club of Sweden
Skotsk Hjortehund Scottish Deerhound Club of Norway
Myndeklubben Special Club for Sighthounds (incl. Deerhounds) of Danish Kennel Club
ÖKWZR Österreichischer Klub für Windhunde, -Zucht und Rennsport
Sighthound Club of Austria (incl. Scottish Deerhound)